Welcome to Femme Balance Academy

A space where women learn how to partner with their female physiology, rather than work against it.

Do you often feel like your health as a woman is a mystery?

Are you frustrated by symptoms like acne, menstrual issues, low energy or digestive troubles that seem inexplicable? Are you tired of feeling misunderstood or dismissed by health practitioners? Or told that your symptoms are “normal?”

If you're feeling lost and alone in your journey to understand your body and reclaim your health, you're not alone. I've been there, and I understand the frustration all too well. It's a feeling shared by countless women who find themselves stumbling in the dark when it comes to their bodies and well-being. But here's the truth: it doesn't have to be this way!

Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of women heal their hormones, reclaim there energy and as a result, make positive changes in their lives with their new found vitality!

Don’t just take my word for it…

  • “I enrolled in this program with the intention to clear my acne and get my energy back. What I didn’t see coming is that after working with Elizabeth for about 4 months, I would get the intuition to make a career shift and pursue healing arts. It was the combination of my new learnings inside of this container and the support of a beautiful circle of women that gave me the confidence to make this leap. Of course, when I decided to trust this change and pursue something that I had been thinking about for years, my skin started to clear up. Elizabeth has a way of reflecting back to you your very best self and for that, I am so dang grateful.”

    Katie O.

  • "I signed up for Elizabeth’s program because I wanted to balance my hormones before coming off of birth control...but y'all her course is SO MUCH MORE than that. Just to clarify - it was massively healing for me in terms of hormone balancing. I removed my IUD a few months after the course finished and immediately regained my period without any issues, pain, or weird symptoms. So that was amazing and I give so much credit to Elizabeth for teaching all about cycle syncing, proper nutrition, nervous system health, plant medicine and so much more. I would have been happy just with that, but her program goes even deeper with modules on self-love, worth, balancing the masculine and feminine, feminine mysticism + more. She also includes live coaching calls which I loved because you’re able to ask questions and develop a deeper understanding of it all. Overall a beautiful program with amazing resources that I will continue to utilize in the future. Thank you Elizabeth for all you do!"

    Danielle R.

  • "I am blown away by this program! I’ve seen massive improvements in my energy, my relationship to food, my relationship to myself and how I wake up feeling about my life each day. You teach in a truly holistic way that MAKES SENSE! Thank you for your wisdom and for everything you’ve passed onto me. I know this is just the beginning of a brand new chapter for my life. I feel inspired and equipped with the tools to feel good no matter what life throws at me!"

    Amanda L.

  • “Elizabeth is such a grounded teacher. Her expertise is obvious and she has an inspired way of holding space.”

    Marissa L.

  • “Elizabeth is a stand for reclaiming the power of the divine feminine—her knowledge has been invaluable on my healing journey and will continue to serve me for the rest of my life.”

    Brooke P.

As your guide…

My mission is clear: to guide women like YOU to understand the nature of your female physiology so that you can confidently show up for yourself and thrive in your body and life.

Femme Balance Academy offers the women's health knowledge and wisdom you deserve but never received.

What you’ll learn + be guided to implement:

At Femme Balance Academy, we delve deep into the realms of holistic women's health, empowering you with knowledge and practices to breathe new life into your mind, body, womb and spirit.

Here's what you'll explore inside of the academy:

  • Holistic Women's Health Nutrition: Unlock the power of nourishment tailored specifically for the female body.

  • Herbal Medicine for Women: Harness the healing properties of herbal allies for women and our cycles.

  • Mind-Body Practices: Cultivate practices that promote health, healing, and resilience in the mind and body.

  • Nervous System Regulation: Learn techniques to restore balance and peace within yourself, in order to stay well in a chaotic world.

  • Adrenal Health and Burnout Recovery: Reclaim your vitality and energy with targeted support for the adrenals.

  • Balancing Female Hormones: Discover the keys to harmonizing your hormones for optimal health, energy, beauty, and vitality.

  • Menstrual Cycle Health: Embrace cyclical living and honor the wisdom of your body's natural rhythms.

  • Detoxication and Elimination: Optimize detoxication and elimination pathways in the body for long term health, energy and balanced hormones.


Here is an overview of what you will be trained in and guided to implement throughout our 5 months together. This program takes a truly holistic and well-rounded approach to your hormonal health, making it incomparable to others like it.

Each month will be focused on one of the above topics, as you learn the ins and outs of what supports female physiology to flourish

Femme Balance Academy exists to support women like you in achieving hormonal harmony, while simultaneously guiding and empowering you to realize your fullest potential when life is lived in partnership with your womanhood.

Women who know how to master their hormones, know how to master their lives.

What’s included?

  • Pre-recorded modules that teach you everything you need to know about: female nutrition + self care, eliminating hormone disrupters, balancing your hormones, mind-body healing, adrenal and nervous system health, at home herbal remedies for women, cleansing for your womanhood & menstrual cycle health + cyclical living

  • Access to and discounts on professional grade supplementation

  • Free access to Elizabeth’s private membership community which meets live 1x/month for a group call and/or workshop on women’s health and holistic healing. You’ll be able to access this for the 5 months that you are apart of FBA.

  • Group telegram chat to connect with other Femme Balance Members and ask questions + receive support from Elizabeth

  • In addition to the membership calls and workshops, we will have an additional 90 minute live group call each month

  • Grocery lists

  • Meal plans

  • Therapeutic recipes

  • PDF guides to help you implement all of the material

  • Optional guided cleanse - you’ll learn how to properly cleanse for female physiology and you’ll have the option to purchase cleanse supplement kit for a discount.

  • Intimate sisterhood - studies show that women in particular have an easier time learning and making positive shifts when supported in a group environment

You’re not yourself if your hormones are imbalanced.

As a Functional Nutritionist, Holistic Women’s Health Practitioner & Women’s Mentor, my why for you goes much deeper.

It’s not about balancing your hormones for the sake of balancing your hormones.

This is about you having the energy and capacity to be the driver and creator of your life.

This is about you waking up everyday feeling inspired, happy and like the very best version of yourself.

This is about you having a full cup so that showing up to the things that matter most to you is automatic and easeful.

Inside of Femme Balance Academy, you will be held and supported for 5 straight months, while learning invaluable wisdom and implementing proven methods to improve your health and energy as a woman.

The investment

The investment for Femme Balance Academy is $2,200.

Scholarships and early bird pricing are available through Monday, June 10th

PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE | Class begins the first week of July

Once you’ve submitted your application, you can expect to hear back via email within 72 hours.


  • What we haven’t been taught is that everything we experience symptom wise has a hormonal tie.

    Hormones are the chemical messengers in the body (aka the body’s communication system) that inform every system how to perform.

    Femme Balance teaches you how to decode and optimize this communication system for the very best health and life outcome!

    Whether you’ve been dealing with fatigue, digestive imbalances, acne, burn out, bloating, disconnection from your body, disconnection from your creativity, low mood, anxiety, period problems or something else, hormone regulation is essential.

  • Nope! This course is for women looking to deepen their relationship with themselves, their bodies and what it means to tend to their sacred womanhood.

    We fluctuate in and out of various symptoms throughout our lives, all of which have a hormonal tie.

    Whether you’re currently traversing some health symptoms or you’re feeling balanced at the moment, this container is for you to dive deeper than you ever have before into the world of women’s health + sacred feminine care.

  • You will receive access to Elizabeth’s support via the live group calls. If you desire deeper 1:1 support, while also getting access to Femme Balance Academy, I recommend applying for Women Who Heal, which includes access to FBA and 1:1 support.

  • This container is for women who are ready to prioritize themselves and stay on track with the group for 5 months. You should be prepared to carve out time every 2 weeks to implement something new. You’ll also have about 4 hours per month of group learning.

  • This program is application based for a few reasons. 1) There are a limited number of spots available. 2) It is important to me that the women who join us have the capacity to stay on track with the group, remain engaged, implement the teachings and contribute positive, growth oriented energy to the space.

  • Yes, if you’re eager to be apart of this program and you’re willing to put in the work to make changes in your life/health, I am more than happy to work with you!

  • Absolutely! In fact, I’ve created this space with my students and clients in mind. And while no previous work together is required, it will certainly offer you a jumpstart. This space will be deeper, more intimate and more thorough than my other spaces. You will also have the support of an aligned sisterhood to make the experience ever more enriching and transformative.

  • This space is not for women looking for a quick fix or the next “high” from opting into another coaching program. Instead, this is a space for women who understand the value of deep learning and being held in a container, coupled with action and implementation. Women who are prepared to make changes but want the aligned guidance of a mentor and the support of community. Women who have a positive growth mindset and are excited to learn how they can improve.

  • This information will benefit women at any age. It is the foundations and thorough education we were never provided as women. However, the bulk of my clients and women I serve range from ages 22-55.

  • Absolutely! The foundations I teach serve women at every stage of our unfolding.

  • There has never been a better time to resource yourself with this knowledge for before, during and after pregnancy.

  • Yes! Over the years I have had a number of postpartum women enroll in my spaces as a way to recreate their relationship with their bodies and themselves, as a new mama! I think it’s a wonderful time to learn and incorporate these foundations as you rebalance your body and tend to your healing + restoration.