Why I started my women’s health practice, specializing in hormonal health

I am often asked how I got into this work…so let me tell… I am no stranger to serious hormonal dysregulation.

8 years ago, I was struggling with extreme anxiety, loss of my menstrual cycle, hormonal acne and insomnia. In this state, I could hardly recognize myself. It wasn’t until I was in school, studying to become a Holistic Nutritionist, that I realized just how severe it was that I had not had a menstrual cycle in almost 5 years. Medical professionals insisted this was typical and suggested Birth Control as a remedy, should I wish to address it. To my advantage, I had been educated on the pros and cons of Birth Control, through my studies of Holistic Nutrition and Functional Medicine, and for me, I wasn’t willing to go down that path.

I found it baffling that this was the sole solution presented to women.

When I inquired if my symptoms could be related to my adrenals and thyroid, my doctor dismissed the notion. Upon sharing my intention to explore acupuncture and functional nutrition for healing, she imposed a deadline. “If your cycle does not return in three months, resorting to birth control will be necessary," she said. Subsequent weekly calls from her only intensified the pressure, as she inquired if any changes had occurred.

I left that appointment learning nothing about my body, what could be going on or any potential root cause solutions. I felt like I knew more than her… and I did. This marked my breaking point, prompting me to relinquish reliance on a flawed system and seek alternative paths toward healing and cycle restoration. And while it took more than 3 months, I managed to regain my menstrual cycle, resolve my anxiety, kiss insomnia goodbye and over time, clear up my skin.

Sadly, our current medical system fails to provide authentic resolutions for hormonally linked gynecological concerns. Things like irregular periods, PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, low libido, thyroid issues and PCOS are said to have unknown causes and to treat them, you must go on birth control.

Ironically, birth control doesn't regulate hormones; it severs communication between the brain and ovaries, which temporarily turns off symptoms, yes. But in the process, masks the deeper underlying issue AND comes with a slew of undesirable side effects. When a woman is ready to come off the pill, these symptoms typically return with a vengeance in attempt to communicate to her that something deeper NEEDS to be resolved.

My private practice exists to offer the solutions I was seeking 8 years ago when I felt isolated in my battle with hormonal imbalances.

You see, imbalanced hormones hinder us from expressing our true essence and engaging fully with the world. To me, this work is so much more than physical healing. Its about women having the tools to experience and create their lives to the fullest.

If you’ve been seeking a different approach, based in root cause care, I would love to see you in my 1:1 practice.


Let’s get real about the copper IUD…does it really have no effect on your hormones?